Showing posts with label NastyNasty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NastyNasty. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


sup sup y'all
after having been given endless shit for not having any mixes/live sets available on the interwebs i give you this little treasure
Seven minute crush no.1 by jaspey

1) Untitled (dub)
2) Flies (forthcoming Frite Nite)
3) Necking (forthcoming Frite Nite)
4) Turf War (forthcoming Vermin Street)
5) Knife Play (Big Up Exclusive)
6) The Reef (Frite Nite)
7) No Names (xlr8r Exclusive)
8) West Coast Hardcore (dub)

so that should rightly lead y'all to believe i have a ton of shit coming out... which is correct so here's the short list of things i'm working on right now:

Necking (Single) - second single from Kingdom Come w/Python Kiss Remix by MiMOSA

Can't Fathom Thizz - Remix of a Freddy Todd Joint i did for Car Crash Set

Kingdom Come - full length on Frite Nite early 2010

Turf War/Dirty Money - Single on Vermin Street w/MiMOSA remix

Clunge - Remix i Did of the (straight fire) Sduk track for Slit Jockey

Untitled vinyl - forthcoming still formulating on black acre/bad acid

Untitled Quitter remixes - Lifted Ferrari and Poor Mans Effortless get re-worked by myself, SoWhat and Salva for Frite Nite

may be leaving some things out but thats what 2010 is looking like so far
also pretty much on tour from now til i die, tell everybody